Interactions/Stability Evaluation

This example shows how to perform Interactions/Stability Evaluation (InSty) analysis for a small protein (<200 residues) called tyrosine phosphatase LMW-PTP (PDB: 5KQM) and visualize the results using Matplotlib library and VMD program. In the tutorial, we will use an already prepared structure for simulation (with hydrogens added). The same structure will be later analyzed with the trajectory file to show how the analysis of interactions in the course of the simulation can change. The file is available in tutorial files.

The tutorial will also include an example of a PDB structure directly downloaded from Protein Data Bank (PDB) which requires adding the missing hydrogen atoms to the protein and ligand structure.

Analysis of interactions for a single PDB structure

We start by parsing PDB file with LMW-PTP 5kqm_all_sci.pdb which is avalable in the tutorial files. The PDB file contains protein structure with water and counter ions prepared using VMD program.

Before that import everything from the ProDy packages.

In [1]: from prody import *

In [2]: from pylab import *

In [3]: import matplotlib
In [4]: PDBfile = '5kqm_all_sci.pdb'

In [5]: coords = parsePDB(PDBfile)

In [6]: coords
@> 19321 atoms and 1 coordinate set(s) were parsed in 0.23s.

For the analysis we will use only protein coordinates (atoms):

In [7]: atoms ='protein')

In [8]: atoms
@> 19321 atoms and 1 coordinate set(s) were parsed in 0.21s.

Compute all types of interactions

In the next step, we instantiate an Interactions instance:

In [9]: interactions = Interactions()

Now we can compute all available types of interactions (seven types: hydrogen bonds, salt bridges, repulsive ionic bonding, Pi-cation, Pi-stacking, hydrophobic interactions, and disulfide bonds) for protein structure by passing selected atoms (atoms) to Interactions.calcProteinInteractions() method:

In [10]: all_interactions = interactions.calcProteinInteractions(atoms)
@> Calculating interations.
@> Calculating hydrogen bonds.
@>      DONOR (res chid atom)   <--->       ACCEPTOR (res chid atom)    Distance  Angle
@>     ARG101    P      NH1_1516  <--->      ASP98    P      OD1_1463     2.0    33.1
@>      HSE72    P      NE2_1042  <--->      ASN15    P       OD1_165     2.6    34.8
@>     GLN143    P      NE2_2192  <--->     GLU139    P      OE2_2126     2.7     9.2
@>      HSE66    P       NE2_957  <--->     GLU139    P      OE1_2125     2.7     6.4
@>      ARG40    P         N_561  <--->       LYS6    P          O_37     2.7    17.1
@>      ARG58    P         N_813  <--->      ASP56    P       OD1_788     2.7    30.0
@>      ALA45    P         N_634  <--->      ARG75    P        O_1097     2.8    35.1
@>      ASN53    P       ND2_747  <--->      GLU50    P       OE1_708     2.8    18.2
@>      ALA74    P        N_1064  <--->      ASN53    P         O_751     2.8    21.3
@>      ASP56    P         N_780  <--->      ILE16    P         O_189     2.8    27.0
@>     LYS110    P       NZ_1667  <--->      THR84    P        O_1240     2.8    38.2
@>     LEU116    P        N_1758  <--->      CYS90    P        O_1342     2.8    15.0
@>     SER103    P        N_1546  <--->      LEU99    P        O_1485     2.8    29.1
@>     ASN134    P        N_2045  <--->     ASP137    P      OD2_2091     2.8    22.6
@>     PHE152    P        N_2321  <--->     CYS148    P        O_2275     2.8     8.3
@>      ASN95    P        N_1398  <--->      ASP92    P      OD1_1368     2.8    12.6
@>       LYS6    P          N_16  <--->      ASN38    P         O_536     2.8    25.0
@>      ILE77    P        N_1115  <--->      ALA45    P         O_643     2.8    12.2
@>      ARG58    P       NH2_832  <--->      ASP56    P       OD2_789     2.8    27.7
@>      LEU99    P        N_1467  <--->      ASN95    P        O_1411     2.8    15.5
@>     CYS149    P        N_2276  <--->     CYS145    P        O_2224     2.8     9.6
@>      GLY52    P         N_731  <--->      ALA74    P        O_1073     2.8     6.6
@>      ASP32    P         N_435  <--->      LYS28    P         O_385     2.8     8.8
@>      ILE88    P        N_1294  <--->     LYS112    P        O_1704     2.8    17.7
@>     GLN143    P        N_2180  <--->     GLU139    P        O_2128     2.8    21.7
@>      ARG27    P         N_340  <--->      GLU23    P         O_293     2.8    15.4
@>     TYR142    P        N_2159  <--->     PHE138    P        O_2113     2.9    14.2
@>     GLY133    P        N_2038  <--->     PRO130    P        O_1995     2.9    25.4
@>      PHE26    P         N_320  <--->      ALA22    P         O_278     2.9     4.9
@>      ASN15    P       ND2_166  <--->      SER19    P        OG_232     2.9    32.1
@>      ARG75    P      NH1_1090  <--->      ASP81    P      OD2_1194     2.9    19.7
@>      ARG75    P      NH2_1093  <--->      ASP42    P       OD2_610     2.9    23.5
@>      ARG97    P        N_1431  <--->      GLU93    P        O_1386     2.9    22.2
@>      ARG65    P       NH2_941  <--->     GLU139    P      OE1_2125     2.9    32.3
@>      VAL25    P         N_304  <--->      ILE21    P         O_268     2.9     8.2
@>     LEU153    P        N_2341  <--->     CYS149    P        O_2286     2.9    12.5
@>       SER7    P          N_38  <--->      ASP86    P      OD2_1270     2.9    39.9
@>      ASP86    P        N_1261  <--->       SER7    P         OG_45     2.9    34.7
@>      ARG58    P       NH2_832  <--->     TYR131    P        O_2016     2.9    33.1
@>      THR46    P         N_644  <--->      CYS12    P         O_130     2.9    36.1
@>     GLN144    P        N_2197  <--->     THR140    P        O_2142     2.9    23.3
@>      THR78    P        N_1134  <--->      ASP81    P      OD2_1194     2.9    12.4
@>      LEU89    P        N_1313  <--->       LEU9    P          O_83     2.9    29.5
@>      THR31    P         N_421  <--->      ARG27    P         O_363     2.9    24.1
@>      CYS90    P        N_1332  <--->     GLU114    P        O_1738     2.9    24.6
@> Number of detected hydrogen bonds: 124.
@> Calculating salt bridges.
@>      HSE66    P         NE2_957  <--->     GLU139    P   OE1_2125_2126     2.8
@>      ASP81    P   OD1_1193_1194  <--->      ARG75    P   NH1_1090_1093     2.9
@>      ASP32    P     OD1_443_444  <--->      LYS28    P          NZ_380     3.0
@>     ARG101    P   NH1_1516_1519  <--->      ASP98    P   OD1_1463_1464     3.1
@>      ARG27    P     NH1_356_359  <--->      GLU23    P     OE1_290_291     3.7
@>     GLU139    P   OE1_2125_2126  <--->      ARG65    P     NH1_938_941     3.8
@>     LYS102    P         NZ_1540  <--->      ASP98    P   OD1_1463_1464     3.9
@>      ARG58    P     NH1_829_832  <--->      ASP56    P     OD1_788_789     3.9
@>      ARG18    P     NH1_217_220  <--->      ASP92    P   OD1_1368_1369     4.1
@>     GLU114    P   OE1_1735_1736  <--->     LYS112    P         NZ_1699     4.1
@>     ASP120    P   OD1_1824_1825  <--->     ARG147    P   NH1_2257_2260     4.2
@>     LYS110    P         NZ_1667  <--->      ASP86    P   OD1_1269_1270     4.2
@>     GLU114    P   OE1_1735_1736  <--->     HSE157    P        NE2_2418     4.4
@>      ARG18    P     NH1_217_220  <--->     ASP129    P   OD1_1978_1979     4.6
@>      ARG75    P   NH1_1090_1093  <--->      ASP42    P     OD1_609_610     4.6
@>      GLU23    P     OE1_290_291  <--->      HSE72    P        NE2_1042     5.0
@> Number of detected salt bridges: 16.
@> Calculating repulsive ionic bonding.
@>     ARG101    P   NH1_1516_1519  <--->     LYS102    P         NZ_1540     4.3
@> Number of detected Repulsive Ionic Bonding interactions: 1.
@> Calculating Pi stacking interactions.
@>      HSE66       P             953_954_955_957_959  <--->     TYR142       P   2166_2167_2169_2171_2174_2176     3.9   162.1
@>     HSE157       P 2414_2415_2416_2418_2420_2423_2424  <--->     TYR119       P   1802_1803_1805_1807_1810_1812     4.4     3.0
@>      TRP39       P         549_550_551_553_555_557  <--->      PHE26       P         327_328_330_332_334_336     4.8    75.5
@>     TYR131       P   2003_2004_2006_2008_2011_2013  <--->     TYR132       P   2024_2025_2027_2029_2032_2034     4.9    91.4
@> Number of detected Pi stacking interactions: 4.
@> Calculating cation-Pi interactions.
@>      PHE85   P   1248_1249_1251_1253_1255_1257  <--->      ARG40   P                     NH1_577_580     3.7
@>      HSE66   P             953_954_955_957_959  <--->      ARG65   P                     NH1_938_941     4.5
@>     HSE157   P2414_2415_2416_2418_2420_2423_2424  <--->     LYS112   P                         NZ_1699     4.8
@> Number of detected cation-pi interactions: 3.
@> Hydrophobic Overlaping Areas are computed.
@> Calculating hydrophobic interactions.
@>      TYR87    P    OH_128614s  <--->     ALA156    P    CB_2401     3.0    22.0
@>      MET63    P     CE_89414s  <--->      ALA24    P     CB_298     3.3     5.2
@>      ILE68    P    CG2_97614s  <--->      MET63    P     CE_894     3.3    52.4
@>     TYR142    P    CZ_217114s  <--->     VAL146    P   CG2_2235     3.5    49.7
@>      PHE10    P     CD1_9214s  <--->      ALA22    P     CB_273     3.5    31.2
@>       LYS6    P      CD_2614s  <--->      TRP39    P    CZ2_555     3.5    68.7
@>      VAL30    P    CG1_41114s  <--->      PHE26    P    CE2_336     3.6    21.1
@>     ALA111    P    CB_167714s  <--->      ILE88    P    CD_1307     3.6    21.2
@>      VAL11    P    CG2_11414s  <--->      ILE88    P   CG2_1300     3.6     9.3
@>      VAL41    P    CG2_59514s  <--->      PHE26    P    CD2_334     3.6    16.6
@>     PHE152    P   CE1_233114s  <--->     ALA156    P    CB_2401     3.7    17.5
@>     VAL106    P   CG2_159814s  <--->      LYS79    P    CG_1155     3.7    25.1
@>      ILE77    P    CD_112814s  <--->      LEU99    P   CD2_1480     3.7    12.0
@>      PHE82    P   CD1_120514s  <--->      ILE88    P    CD_1307     3.7    17.6
@>     LEU116    P   CD2_177114s  <--->     ILE127    P    CD_1949     3.7    17.4
@>       VAL8    P     CG1_5514s  <--->      PHE26    P    CE2_336     3.7    12.1
@>      LEU96    P   CD1_142114s  <--->     ILE113    P   CG2_1711     3.7    17.0
@>       LEU9    P     CD2_7814s  <--->      ILE77    P    CD_1128     3.7    15.4
@>      LEU89    P   CD1_132214s  <--->       VAL8    P     CG2_59     3.8    15.9
@>     ILE126    P    CD_193014s  <--->     LEU125    P   CD1_1907     3.8    54.2
@>     VAL141    P   CG1_214914s  <--->     ILE127    P   CG2_1942     3.9    11.5
@> Number of detected hydrophobic interactions: 39.
@> Calculating disulfide bonds.
@> Number of detected disulfide bonds: 0.

All types of interactions will be displayed on the screen with all types of information such as distance or angle (if applied).

Moreover, we will have access to the details of each interaction type using the following methods:

Interactions.getHydrogenBonds() - hydrogen bonds:

In [11]: interactions.getHydrogenBonds()
[['ARG101', 'NH1_1516', 'P', 'ASP98', 'OD1_1463', 'P', 1.998, 33.1238],
 ['HSE72', 'NE2_1042', 'P', 'ASN15', 'OD1_165', 'P', 2.5997, 34.752],
 ['GLN143', 'NE2_2192', 'P', 'GLU139', 'OE2_2126', 'P', 2.7287, 9.1823],
 ['HSE66', 'NE2_957', 'P', 'GLU139', 'OE1_2125', 'P', 2.7314, 6.3592],
 ['ARG40', 'N_561', 'P', 'LYS6', 'O_37', 'P', 2.7479, 17.1499],
 ['ARG58', 'N_813', 'P', 'ASP56', 'OD1_788', 'P', 2.7499, 29.9737],
 ['ALA45', 'N_634', 'P', 'ARG75', 'O_1097', 'P', 2.7609, 35.0983],
 ['ASN53', 'ND2_747', 'P', 'GLU50', 'OE1_708', 'P', 2.7702, 18.2336],
 ['ALA74', 'N_1064', 'P', 'ASN53', 'O_751', 'P', 2.7782, 21.3375],
 ['ASP56', 'N_780', 'P', 'ILE16', 'O_189', 'P', 2.7793, 27.0481],
 ['LYS110', 'NZ_1667', 'P', 'THR84', 'O_1240', 'P', 2.7977, 38.2213],
 ['LEU116', 'N_1758', 'P', 'CYS90', 'O_1342', 'P', 2.8072, 15.0239],
 ['SER103', 'N_1546', 'P', 'LEU99', 'O_1485', 'P', 2.8075, 29.107],
 ['ASN134', 'N_2045', 'P', 'ASP137', 'OD2_2091', 'P', 2.8132, 22.562],
 ['PHE152', 'N_2321', 'P', 'CYS148', 'O_2275', 'P', 2.8141, 8.2562],
 ['ASN95', 'N_1398', 'P', 'ASP92', 'OD1_1368', 'P', 2.8148, 12.5701],
 ['LYS6', 'N_16', 'P', 'ASN38', 'O_536', 'P', 2.8178, 25.0305],
 ['ILE77', 'N_1115', 'P', 'ALA45', 'O_643', 'P', 2.8179, 12.1855],

Interactions.getSaltBridges() - salt bridges (residues with oposite charges):

In [12]: interactions.getSaltBridges()
[['HSE66', 'NE2_957', 'P', 'GLU139', 'OE1_2125_2126', 'P', 2.8359],
 ['ASP81', 'OD1_1193_1194', 'P', 'ARG75', 'NH1_1090_1093', 'P', 2.9163],
 ['ASP32', 'OD1_443_444', 'P', 'LYS28', 'NZ_380', 'P', 3.037],
 ['ARG101', 'NH1_1516_1519', 'P', 'ASP98', 'OD1_1463_1464', 'P', 3.0699],
 ['ARG27', 'NH1_356_359', 'P', 'GLU23', 'OE1_290_291', 'P', 3.7148],
 ['GLU139', 'OE1_2125_2126', 'P', 'ARG65', 'NH1_938_941', 'P', 3.7799],
 ['LYS102', 'NZ_1540', 'P', 'ASP98', 'OD1_1463_1464', 'P', 3.9359],
 ['ARG58', 'NH1_829_832', 'P', 'ASP56', 'OD1_788_789', 'P', 3.9486],
 ['ARG18', 'NH1_217_220', 'P', 'ASP92', 'OD1_1368_1369', 'P', 4.0693],
 ['GLU114', 'OE1_1735_1736', 'P', 'LYS112', 'NZ_1699', 'P', 4.0787],
 ['ASP120', 'OD1_1824_1825', 'P', 'ARG147', 'NH1_2257_2260', 'P', 4.1543],
 ['LYS110', 'NZ_1667', 'P', 'ASP86', 'OD1_1269_1270', 'P', 4.1879],
 ['GLU114', 'OE1_1735_1736', 'P', 'HSE157', 'NE2_2418', 'P', 4.3835],
 ['ARG18', 'NH1_217_220', 'P', 'ASP129', 'OD1_1978_1979', 'P', 4.5608],
 ['ARG75', 'NH1_1090_1093', 'P', 'ASP42', 'OD1_609_610', 'P', 4.5612],
 ['GLU23', 'OE1_290_291', 'P', 'HSE72', 'NE2_1042', 'P', 4.99]]

Interactions.getRepulsiveIonicBonding() - repulsive ionic bonding (between residues with the same charges):

In [13]: interactions.getRepulsiveIonicBonding()
[['ARG101', 'NH1_1516_1519', 'P', 'LYS102', 'NZ_1540', 'P', 4.2655]]

Interactions.getPiStacking() - Pi-stacking interactions (HSE is a histidine (HIS) type in the CHARMM force field):

In [14]: interactions.getPiStacking()

Interactions.getPiCation() - Pi-cation:

In [15]: interactions.getPiCation()
 ['HSE66', '953_954_955_957_959', 'P', 'ARG65', 'NH1_938_941', 'P', 4.5323],

Interactions.getHydrophohic() - hydrophobic interactions:

In [16]: interactions.getHydrophohic()
[['TYR87', 'OH_1286', 'P', 'ALA156', 'CB_2401', 'P', 3.0459],
 ['MET63', 'CE_894', 'P', 'ALA24', 'CB_298', 'P', 3.3105],
 ['ILE68', 'CG2_976', 'P', 'MET63', 'CE_894', 'P', 3.3306],
 ['TYR142', 'CZ_2171', 'P', 'VAL146', 'CG2_2235', 'P', 3.4815],
 ['PHE10', 'CD1_92', 'P', 'ALA22', 'CB_273', 'P', 3.5334],
 ['LYS6', 'CD_26', 'P', 'TRP39', 'CZ2_555', 'P', 3.5427],
 ['VAL30', 'CG1_411', 'P', 'PHE26', 'CE2_336', 'P', 3.5603],
 ['ALA111', 'CB_1677', 'P', 'ILE88', 'CD_1307', 'P', 3.5627],
 ['VAL11', 'CG2_114', 'P', 'ILE88', 'CG2_1300', 'P', 3.6386],
 ['VAL41', 'CG2_595', 'P', 'PHE26', 'CD2_334', 'P', 3.6448],
 ['PHE152', 'CE1_2331', 'P', 'ALA156', 'CB_2401', 'P', 3.6594],
 ['VAL106', 'CG2_1598', 'P', 'LYS79', 'CG_1155', 'P', 3.6828],
 ['ILE77', 'CD_1128', 'P', 'LEU99', 'CD2_1480', 'P', 3.6917],
 ['PHE82', 'CD1_1205', 'P', 'ILE88', 'CD_1307', 'P', 3.692],
 ['LEU116', 'CD2_1771', 'P', 'ILE127', 'CD_1949', 'P', 3.7057],
 ['VAL8', 'CG1_55', 'P', 'PHE26', 'CE2_336', 'P', 3.7106],

Interactions.getDisulfideBonds() - disulfide bonds (none in the structure):

In [17]: interactions.getDisulfideBonds()

To display residues with the biggest number of potential interactions and their types, we can use Interactions.getFrequentInteractors() method:

In [18]: interactions.getFrequentInteractors(contacts_min=4)
@> VAL8P  <--->  hb:ASP42P  hp:LEU89P  hp:PHE26P  hb:ARG40P
@> LEU9P  <--->  hp:ALA44P  hp:PHE85P  hb:LEU89P  hp:ILE77P  hb:TYR87P
@> CYS12P  <--->  hb:ASN15P  hb:SER19P  hb:THR46P  hb:ALA44P
@> ASN15P  <--->  hb:HIS72P  hb:ARG75P  hb:CYS12P  hb:SER19P  hb:SER43P
@> ARG18P  <--->  hb:ALA22P  hb:ASP92P  sb:ASP92P  hb:ILE127P  sb:ASP129P  hp:VAL141P
@> GLU23P  <--->  hb:ARG27P  hb:ARG27P  hb:ARG27P  sb:ARG27P  sb:HIS72P  hb:SER19P
@> VAL25P  <--->  hb:LEU29P  hp:LEU29P  hb:ILE21P  hp:TYR142P
@> PHE26P  <--->  hp:VAL8P  hb:VAL30P  hp:VAL30P  ps:TRP39P  hp:VAL41P  hb:ALA22P
@> ARG27P  <--->  hb:THR31P  hb:GLU23P  hb:GLU23P  hb:GLU23P  sb:GLU23P
@> LYS28P  <--->  hb:ASP32P  sb:ASP32P  hb:ALA24P  hp:ILE68P
@> TRP39P  <--->  hp:LYS6P  hp:ILE35P  hp:LEU153P  ps:PHE26P  hb:SER36P
@> ARG40P  <--->  hb:VAL8P  pc:PHE85P  hb:LYS6P  hb:THR84P  hp:PHE85P
@> ASP42P  <--->  hb:PHE10P  hb:ARG75P  sb:ARG75P  hb:VAL8P
@> ALA44P  <--->  hb:CYS12P  hp:ARG75P  hp:LEU9P  hb:PHE10P
@> ASP56P  <--->  hb:ARG58P  hb:ARG58P  hb:ARG58P  sb:ARG58P  hb:GLN60P  hb:ILE16P
@> ARG58P  <--->  hb:CYS62P  hb:ASP56P  hb:ASP56P  hb:ASP56P  sb:ASP56P  hb:TYR131P  hb:TYR131P  hp:PHE138P
@> MET63P  <--->  hp:ILE21P  hb:ILE68P  hp:ILE68P  hp:ALA24P  hb:GLY59P
@> ARG65P  <--->  pc:HIS66P  sb:GLU139P  hb:SER61P  hb:GLU139P
@> HIS66P  <--->  ps:TYR142P  pc:ARG65P  hb:GLU139P  sb:GLU139P
@> ARG75P  <--->  hb:ALA45P  sb:ASP81P  hb:ASN15P  hb:ASP42P  sb:ASP42P  hp:ALA44P  hb:ASP81P  hb:ASP81P
@> ILE77P  <--->  hp:LEU9P  hp:LYS102P  hb:ALA45P  hp:LEU99P
@> ASP81P  <--->  hb:ARG75P  hb:ARG75P  hb:THR78P  hb:PHE85P  sb:ARG75P  hb:THR78P
@> PHE85P  <--->  hp:ARG40P  hp:LEU9P  pc:ARG40P  hb:ASP81P
@> ASP86P  <--->  hb:SER7P  sb:LYS110P  hb:LYS112P  hb:SER7P
@> ILE88P  <--->  hp:VAL11P  hp:PHE82P  hp:ALA111P  hb:GLU114P  hb:LYS112P
@> LEU89P  <--->  hb:VAL11P  hp:TYR119P  hp:VAL8P  hb:LEU9P
@> ASP92P  <--->  hb:ARG18P  sb:ARG18P  hb:ASN95P  hb:LEU96P
@> ASP98P  <--->  hb:ARG101P  sb:ARG101P  hb:LYS102P  hb:LYS102P  sb:LYS102P  hb:SER94P
@> LYS102P  <--->  rb:ARG101P  hb:GLN105P  hp:ILE77P  hb:ASP98P  hb:ASP98P  sb:ASP98P
@> LYS112P  <--->  hb:ILE88P  sb:GLU114P  pc:HIS157P  hb:ASP86P  hb:HIS157P
@> GLU114P  <--->  hb:CYS90P  hb:ILE88P  sb:LYS112P  sb:HIS157P
@> TYR119P  <--->  hb:HIS157P  hp:LEU89P  hb:HIS157P  ps:HIS157P
@> ASP120P  <--->  hb:LYS123P  hb:GLN124P  sb:ARG147P  hb:GLY117P
@> ILE127P  <--->  hb:ARG18P  hp:MET91P  hp:LEU116P  hp:VAL141P  hb:MET91P
@> TYR131P  <--->  hb:ARG58P  hb:ARG58P  ps:TYR132P  hp:ILE16P
@> PHE138P  <--->  hp:ARG58P  hb:TYR142P  hp:ILE21P  hb:ASN134P
@> GLU139P  <--->  hb:ARG65P  hb:HIS66P  sb:HIS66P  hb:GLN143P  hb:GLN143P  sb:ARG65P  hb:ASP135P
@> VAL141P  <--->  hp:ARG18P  hb:CYS145P  hp:ILE127P  hb:ASP137P
@> TYR142P  <--->  hp:VAL25P  hb:VAL146P  ps:HIS66P  hb:PHE138P  hp:VAL146P
@> ARG147P  <--->  hb:ALA151P  sb:ASP120P  hb:GLN124P  hb:GLN124P  hb:GLN143P
@> HIS157P  <--->  hb:LYS112P  sb:GLU114P  hb:TYR119P  ps:TYR119P  pc:LYS112P  hb:TYR119P
@> ARG101P  <--->  hb:ARG97P  hb:ASP98P  sb:ASP98P  rb:LYS102P
Legend: hb-hydrogen bond, sb-salt bridge, rb-repulsive ionic bond, ps-Pi stacking interaction,
pc-Cation-Pi interaction, hp-hydrophobic interaction, dibs-disulfide bonds

The value of contacts_min can be modified to display residues with smaller or bigger number of interactions.

Visualize interactions in VMD

We can generate tcl files for visualizing each type of interaction with VMD using the showProteinInteractions_VMD() function in the following way:

In [19]: showProteinInteractions_VMD(atoms, interactions.getHydrogenBonds(),
   ....:                                      color='blue', filename='HBs.tcl')

In [20]: showProteinInteractions_VMD(atoms, interactions.getSaltBridges(),
   ....:                                      color='yellow',filename='SBs.tcl')

In [21]: showProteinInteractions_VMD(atoms, interactions.getRepulsiveIonicBonding(),
   ....:                                      color='red',filename='RIB.tcl')

In [22]: showProteinInteractions_VMD(atoms, interactions.getPiStacking(),
   ....:                                      color='green',filename='PiStacking.tcl')

In [23]: showProteinInteractions_VMD(atoms, interactions.getPiCation(),
   ....:                                      color='orange',filename='PiCation.tcl')

In [24]: showProteinInteractions_VMD(atoms, interactions.getHydrophobic(),
   ....:                                      color='silver',filename='HPh.tcl')

In [25]: showProteinInteractions_VMD(atoms, interactions.getDisulfideBonds(),
   ....:                                      color='black',filename='DiBs.tcl')
@> TCL file saved
@> TCL file saved
@> TCL file saved
@> TCL file saved
@> TCL file saved
@> TCL file saved
@> Lack of results
@> TCL file saved

A TCL file will be saved and can be used in VMD after uploading the PDB file with protein structure 5kqm_all_sci.pdb and by running the following command line instruction in the VMD TK Console (via VMD Main) for Linux, Windows and Mac users:

play HBs.tcl

The tcl file contains a method for drawing lines between selected pairs of residues. Those residues are also displayed. Now, we uploaded hydrogen bonds which are displayed in blue as we defined in showProteinInteractions_VMD() function.


Salt bridges in yellow (VMD TK Console):

play SBs.tcl

Repulsive ionic bonding in red (VMD TK Console):

play RIB.tcl

Pi-Pi stacking interactions in green (VMD TK Console):

play PiStacking.tcl

Pi-cation interactions in orange (VMD TK Console):

play PiCation.tcl

and hydrophobic interactions in grey (VMD TK Console):

play HPh.tcl

Additional selections

From the predicted interactions, we can select only interactions assigned to certain regions, chains, or between different chains (binding interface between two chains in protein complex).

We can compute them by adding additional parameters to the selected function. See examples below:

In [26]: interactions.getSaltBridges(selection='chain P')
[['HSE66', 'NE2_957', 'P', 'GLU139', 'OE1_2125_2126', 'P', 2.8359],
 ['ASP81', 'OD1_1193_1194', 'P', 'ARG75', 'NH1_1090_1093', 'P', 2.9163],
 ['ASP32', 'OD1_443_444', 'P', 'LYS28', 'NZ_380', 'P', 3.037],
 ['ARG101', 'NH1_1516_1519', 'P', 'ASP98', 'OD1_1463_1464', 'P', 3.0699],
 ['ARG27', 'NH1_356_359', 'P', 'GLU23', 'OE1_290_291', 'P', 3.7148],
 ['GLU139', 'OE1_2125_2126', 'P', 'ARG65', 'NH1_938_941', 'P', 3.7799],
 ['LYS102', 'NZ_1540', 'P', 'ASP98', 'OD1_1463_1464', 'P', 3.9359],
 ['ARG58', 'NH1_829_832', 'P', 'ASP56', 'OD1_788_789', 'P', 3.9486],
 ['ARG18', 'NH1_217_220', 'P', 'ASP92', 'OD1_1368_1369', 'P', 4.0693],
 ['GLU114', 'OE1_1735_1736', 'P', 'LYS112', 'NZ_1699', 'P', 4.0787],
 ['ASP120', 'OD1_1824_1825', 'P', 'ARG147', 'NH1_2257_2260', 'P', 4.1543],
 ['LYS110', 'NZ_1667', 'P', 'ASP86', 'OD1_1269_1270', 'P', 4.1879],
 ['GLU114', 'OE1_1735_1736', 'P', 'HSE157', 'NE2_2418', 'P', 4.3835],
 ['ARG18', 'NH1_217_220', 'P', 'ASP129', 'OD1_1978_1979', 'P', 4.5608],
 ['ARG75', 'NH1_1090_1093', 'P', 'ASP42', 'OD1_609_610', 'P', 4.5612],
 ['GLU23', 'OE1_290_291', 'P', 'HSE72', 'NE2_1042', 'P', 4.99]]
In [27]: interactions.getRepulsiveIonicBonding(selection='resid 102')
[['ARG101', 'NH1_1516_1519', 'P', 'LYS102', 'NZ_1540', 'P', 4.2655]]
In [28]: interactions.getPiStacking(selection='chain P and resid 26')

It can be done for all kinds of interactions is a similar way. The function will return a list of interactions with following order:

  1. Hydrogen bonds
  2. Salt Bridges
  3. RepulsiveIonicBonding
  4. Pi stacking interactions
  5. Pi-cation interactions
  6. Hydrophobic interactions
  7. Disulfide bonds
In [29]: allRes_20to50 = interactions.getInteractions(selection='resid 20 to 50')

In [30]: allRes_20to50
[[['ARG40', 'N_561', 'P', 'LYS6', 'O_37', 'P', 2.7479, 17.1499],
  ['ALA45', 'N_634', 'P', 'ARG75', 'O_1097', 'P', 2.7609, 35.0983],
  ['ASN53', 'ND2_747', 'P', 'GLU50', 'OE1_708', 'P', 2.7702, 18.2336],
  ['LYS6', 'N_16', 'P', 'ASN38', 'O_536', 'P', 2.8178, 25.0305],
  ['ILE77', 'N_1115', 'P', 'ALA45', 'O_643', 'P', 2.8179, 12.1855],
  ['ASP32', 'N_435', 'P', 'LYS28', 'O_385', 'P', 2.8357, 8.8318],
  ['ARG27', 'N_340', 'P', 'GLU23', 'O_293', 'P', 2.8446, 15.4167],
  ['PHE26', 'N_320', 'P', 'ALA22', 'O_278', 'P', 2.8541, 4.8732],
  ['ARG75', 'NH2_1093', 'P', 'ASP42', 'OD2_610', 'P', 2.8649, 23.5083],
  ['VAL25', 'N_304', 'P', 'ILE21', 'O_268', 'P', 2.8666, 8.2255],
  ['THR46', 'N_644', 'P', 'CYS12', 'O_130', 'P', 2.883, 36.1279],
  ['THR31', 'N_421', 'P', 'ARG27', 'O_363', 'P', 2.896, 24.1287],
  ['GLU23', 'N_279', 'P', 'SER19', 'O_235', 'P', 2.8979, 15.4146],
  ['PHE10', 'N_84', 'P', 'ASP42', 'O_612', 'P', 2.9026, 22.751],
  ['ARG27', 'NH2_359', 'P', 'GLU23', 'OE2_291', 'P', 2.9199, 31.5487],
  ['ASN38', 'N_523', 'P', 'ILE35', 'O_496', 'P', 2.9255, 29.091],
  ['GLN76', 'NE2_1110', 'P', 'THR46', 'O_657', 'P', 2.9381, 31.3836],
  ['ARG40', 'NH1_577', 'P', 'THR84', 'OG1_1233', 'P', 2.9482, 8.3748],
  ['ALA44', 'N_624', 'P', 'PHE10', 'O_103', 'P', 2.9499, 33.1772],
  ['VAL8', 'N_49', 'P', 'ARG40', 'O_584', 'P', 2.9631, 25.0079],
  ['ILE35', 'N_478', 'P', 'VAL30', 'O_420', 'P', 2.9811, 23.5092],
  ['ASN53', 'N_738', 'P', 'GLU50', 'O_711', 'P', 2.995, 28.587],
  ['ASN34', 'N_464', 'P', 'THR31', 'O_434', 'P', 3.0041, 18.2465],
  ['ASN15', 'ND2_166', 'P', 'SER43', 'OG_620', 'P', 3.0129, 25.6996],
  ['ARG27', 'NH1_356', 'P', 'GLU23', 'OE2_291', 'P', 3.0175, 36.9343],
  ['LEU29', 'N_386', 'P', 'VAL25', 'O_319', 'P', 3.0299, 19.109],
  ['SER47', 'N_658', 'P', 'LEU13', 'O_149', 'P', 3.0386, 28.8029],
  ['VAL30', 'N_405', 'P', 'PHE26', 'O_339', 'P', 3.0394, 17.6883],
  ['ALA24', 'N_294', 'P', 'PRO20', 'O_249', 'P', 3.0751, 29.9487],
  ['LYS28', 'N_364', 'P', 'ALA24', 'O_303', 'P', 3.0783, 19.9504],
  ['ALA22', 'N_269', 'P', 'ARG18', 'O_224', 'P', 3.088, 21.873],
  ['ASP42', 'N_601', 'P', 'VAL8', 'O_64', 'P', 3.1331, 35.5671],
  ['TRP39', 'N_537', 'P', 'SER36', 'O_507', 'P', 3.1343, 15.1776],
  ['CYS12', 'N_120', 'P', 'ALA44', 'O_633', 'P', 3.3349, 36.1006]],
 [['ASP32', 'OD1_443_444', 'P', 'LYS28', 'NZ_380', 'P', 3.037],
  ['ARG27', 'NH1_356_359', 'P', 'GLU23', 'OE1_290_291', 'P', 3.7148],
  ['ARG75', 'NH1_1090_1093', 'P', 'ASP42', 'OD1_609_610', 'P', 4.5612],
  ['GLU23', 'OE1_290_291', 'P', 'HSE72', 'NE2_1042', 'P', 4.99]],
 [['MET63', 'CE_894', 'P', 'ALA24', 'CB_298', 'P', 3.3105],
  ['PHE10', 'CD1_92', 'P', 'ALA22', 'CB_273', 'P', 3.5334],
  ['LYS6', 'CD_26', 'P', 'TRP39', 'CZ2_555', 'P', 3.5427],
  ['VAL30', 'CG1_411', 'P', 'PHE26', 'CE2_336', 'P', 3.5603],
  ['VAL41', 'CG2_595', 'P', 'PHE26', 'CD2_334', 'P', 3.6448],
  ['VAL8', 'CG1_55', 'P', 'PHE26', 'CE2_336', 'P', 3.7106],
  ['ALA44', 'CB_628', 'P', 'LEU9', 'CD1_74', 'P', 3.8992],
  ['VAL25', 'CG2_314', 'P', 'TYR142', 'CE1_2169', 'P', 3.92],
  ['ILE21', 'CG2_256', 'P', 'MET63', 'SD_893', 'P', 3.9614],
  ['LEU153', 'CD1_2350', 'P', 'TRP39', 'NE1_547', 'P', 3.967],
  ['ILE35', 'CD_491', 'P', 'TRP39', 'NE1_547', 'P', 4.0172],
  ['LEU29', 'CD1_395', 'P', 'VAL25', 'CG1_310', 'P', 4.0642],
  ['ARG75', 'CG_1081', 'P', 'ALA44', 'CB_628', 'P', 4.0853],
  ['ARG40', 'CG_568', 'P', 'PHE85', 'CE2_1257', 'P', 4.2669],
  ['LYS28', 'CG_371', 'P', 'ILE68', 'CD_983', 'P', 4.2707],
  ['PHE138', 'CD2_2108', 'P', 'ILE21', 'CD_263', 'P', 4.3082]],

The list of hydrogen bonds, salt bridges and other types of interactions can be displayed as follows:

Hydrogen bonds:

In [31]: allRes_20to50[0]
[['ARG40', 'N_561', 'P', 'LYS6', 'O_37', 'P', 2.7479, 17.1499],
 ['ALA45', 'N_634', 'P', 'ARG75', 'O_1097', 'P', 2.7609, 35.0983],
 ['ASN53', 'ND2_747', 'P', 'GLU50', 'OE1_708', 'P', 2.7702, 18.2336],
 ['LYS6', 'N_16', 'P', 'ASN38', 'O_536', 'P', 2.8178, 25.0305],
 ['ILE77', 'N_1115', 'P', 'ALA45', 'O_643', 'P', 2.8179, 12.1855],
 ['ASP32', 'N_435', 'P', 'LYS28', 'O_385', 'P', 2.8357, 8.8318],
 ['ARG27', 'N_340', 'P', 'GLU23', 'O_293', 'P', 2.8446, 15.4167],
 ['PHE26', 'N_320', 'P', 'ALA22', 'O_278', 'P', 2.8541, 4.8732],
 ['ARG75', 'NH2_1093', 'P', 'ASP42', 'OD2_610', 'P', 2.8649, 23.5083],
 ['VAL25', 'N_304', 'P', 'ILE21', 'O_268', 'P', 2.8666, 8.2255],
 ['THR46', 'N_644', 'P', 'CYS12', 'O_130', 'P', 2.883, 36.1279],
 ['THR31', 'N_421', 'P', 'ARG27', 'O_363', 'P', 2.896, 24.1287],
 ['GLU23', 'N_279', 'P', 'SER19', 'O_235', 'P', 2.8979, 15.4146],
 ['PHE10', 'N_84', 'P', 'ASP42', 'O_612', 'P', 2.9026, 22.751],
 ['ARG27', 'NH2_359', 'P', 'GLU23', 'OE2_291', 'P', 2.9199, 31.5487],
 ['ASN38', 'N_523', 'P', 'ILE35', 'O_496', 'P', 2.9255, 29.091],
 ['GLN76', 'NE2_1110', 'P', 'THR46', 'O_657', 'P', 2.9381, 31.3836],
 ['ARG40', 'NH1_577', 'P', 'THR84', 'OG1_1233', 'P', 2.9482, 8.3748],
 ['ALA44', 'N_624', 'P', 'PHE10', 'O_103', 'P', 2.9499, 33.1772],
 ['VAL8', 'N_49', 'P', 'ARG40', 'O_584', 'P', 2.9631, 25.0079],
 ['ILE35', 'N_478', 'P', 'VAL30', 'O_420', 'P', 2.9811, 23.5092],
 ['ASN53', 'N_738', 'P', 'GLU50', 'O_711', 'P', 2.995, 28.587],
 ['ASN34', 'N_464', 'P', 'THR31', 'O_434', 'P', 3.0041, 18.2465],
 ['ASN15', 'ND2_166', 'P', 'SER43', 'OG_620', 'P', 3.0129, 25.6996],
 ['ARG27', 'NH1_356', 'P', 'GLU23', 'OE2_291', 'P', 3.0175, 36.9343],
 ['LEU29', 'N_386', 'P', 'VAL25', 'O_319', 'P', 3.0299, 19.109],
 ['SER47', 'N_658', 'P', 'LEU13', 'O_149', 'P', 3.0386, 28.8029],
 ['VAL30', 'N_405', 'P', 'PHE26', 'O_339', 'P', 3.0394, 17.6883],
 ['ALA24', 'N_294', 'P', 'PRO20', 'O_249', 'P', 3.0751, 29.9487],
 ['LYS28', 'N_364', 'P', 'ALA24', 'O_303', 'P', 3.0783, 19.9504],
 ['ALA22', 'N_269', 'P', 'ARG18', 'O_224', 'P', 3.088, 21.873],
 ['ASP42', 'N_601', 'P', 'VAL8', 'O_64', 'P', 3.1331, 35.5671],
 ['TRP39', 'N_537', 'P', 'SER36', 'O_507', 'P', 3.1343, 15.1776],
 ['CYS12', 'N_120', 'P', 'ALA44', 'O_633', 'P', 3.3349, 36.1006]]

Salt Bridges:

In [32]: allRes_20to50[1]
[['ASP32', 'OD1_443_444', 'P', 'LYS28', 'NZ_380', 'P', 3.037],
 ['ARG27', 'NH1_356_359', 'P', 'GLU23', 'OE1_290_291', 'P', 3.7148],
 ['ARG75', 'NH1_1090_1093', 'P', 'ASP42', 'OD1_609_610', 'P', 4.5612],
 ['GLU23', 'OE1_290_291', 'P', 'HSE72', 'NE2_1042', 'P', 4.99]]

We can also select one particular residue or a region of our interest:

In [33]: interactions.getPiCation(selection='resid 85')
In [34]: interactions.getHydrophobic(selection='resid 26 to 100')
[['TYR87', 'OH_1286', 'P', 'ALA156', 'CB_2401', 'P', 3.0459],
 ['MET63', 'CE_894', 'P', 'ALA24', 'CB_298', 'P', 3.3105],
 ['ILE68', 'CG2_976', 'P', 'MET63', 'CE_894', 'P', 3.3306],
 ['LYS6', 'CD_26', 'P', 'TRP39', 'CZ2_555', 'P', 3.5427],
 ['VAL30', 'CG1_411', 'P', 'PHE26', 'CE2_336', 'P', 3.5603],
 ['ALA111', 'CB_1677', 'P', 'ILE88', 'CD_1307', 'P', 3.5627],
 ['VAL11', 'CG2_114', 'P', 'ILE88', 'CG2_1300', 'P', 3.6386],
 ['VAL41', 'CG2_595', 'P', 'PHE26', 'CD2_334', 'P', 3.6448],
 ['VAL106', 'CG2_1598', 'P', 'LYS79', 'CG_1155', 'P', 3.6828],
 ['ILE77', 'CD_1128', 'P', 'LEU99', 'CD2_1480', 'P', 3.6917],
 ['PHE82', 'CD1_1205', 'P', 'ILE88', 'CD_1307', 'P', 3.692],
 ['VAL8', 'CG1_55', 'P', 'PHE26', 'CE2_336', 'P', 3.7106],
 ['MET70', 'CE_1014', 'P', 'MET63', 'CG_890', 'P', 3.7262],
 ['LEU96', 'CD1_1421', 'P', 'ILE113', 'CG2_1711', 'P', 3.7263],
 ['LEU9', 'CD2_78', 'P', 'ILE77', 'CD_1128', 'P', 3.745],
 ['LEU89', 'CD1_1322', 'P', 'VAL8', 'CG2_59', 'P', 3.7672],
 ['MET91', 'SD_1353', 'P', 'ILE127', 'CD_1949', 'P', 3.8864],
 ['ALA44', 'CB_628', 'P', 'LEU9', 'CD1_74', 'P', 3.8992],
 ['ILE21', 'CG2_256', 'P', 'MET63', 'SD_893', 'P', 3.9614],
 ['LEU153', 'CD1_2350', 'P', 'TRP39', 'NE1_547', 'P', 3.967],
 ['PHE85', 'CZ_1253', 'P', 'LEU9', 'CD1_74', 'P', 4.0119],
 ['ILE35', 'CD_491', 'P', 'TRP39', 'NE1_547', 'P', 4.0172],
 ['LEU29', 'CD1_395', 'P', 'VAL25', 'CG1_310', 'P', 4.0642],
 ['ALA74', 'CB_1068', 'P', 'ILE16', 'CG2_177', 'P', 4.0772],
 ['ARG75', 'CG_1081', 'P', 'ALA44', 'CB_628', 'P', 4.0853],
 ['LYS102', 'CD_1534', 'P', 'ILE77', 'CG2_1121', 'P', 4.1048],
 ['TYR119', 'CE1_1805', 'P', 'LEU89', 'CD2_1326', 'P', 4.1435],
 ['ARG40', 'CG_568', 'P', 'PHE85', 'CE2_1257', 'P', 4.2669],
 ['LYS28', 'CG_371', 'P', 'ILE68', 'CD_983', 'P', 4.2707],
 ['LYS112', 'CG_1690', 'P', 'TYR87', 'CE1_1283', 'P', 4.3083],
 ['ARG58', 'CG_820', 'P', 'PHE138', 'CE1_2104', 'P', 4.4781]]

Change selection criteria for interaction type

The Interactions.buildInteractionMatrix() method computes interactions using default parameters for interactions. However, it can be changed according to our needs. To do that, we need to recalculate the selected type of interactions using the preferable parameters.

We can do it using the following functions: calcHydrogenBonds(), calcHydrogenBonds(), calcSaltBridges(), calcRepulsiveIonicBonding(), calcPiStacking(), calcPiCation(), calcHydrophohic(), calcDisulfideBonds(), and use Interactions.setNewHydrogenBonds(), Interactions.setNewSaltBridges(), Interactions.setNewRepulsiveIonicBonding(), Interactions.setNewPiStacking(), Interactions.setNewPiCation(), Interactions.setNewHydrophohic(), Interactions.setNewDisulfideBonds() method to replace it in the main Instance.

For example: If we want to replace hydrogen bonds:

In [35]: newHydrogenBonds2 = calcHydrogenBonds(atoms, distA=2.8,
   ....:                              angle=30, cutoff_dist=15)

In [36]: interactions.setNewHydrogenBonds(newHydrogenBonds2)
@> Calculating hydrogen bonds.
@>      DONOR (res chid atom)   <--->       ACCEPTOR (res chid atom)    Distance  Angle
@>     GLN143    P      NE2_2192  <--->     GLU139    P      OE2_2126     2.7     9.2
@>      HSE66    P       NE2_957  <--->     GLU139    P      OE1_2125     2.7     6.4
@>      ARG40    P         N_561  <--->       LYS6    P          O_37     2.7    17.1
@>      ARG58    P         N_813  <--->      ASP56    P       OD1_788     2.7    30.0
@>      ASN53    P       ND2_747  <--->      GLU50    P       OE1_708     2.8    18.2
@>      ALA74    P        N_1064  <--->      ASN53    P         O_751     2.8    21.3
@>      ASP56    P         N_780  <--->      ILE16    P         O_189     2.8    27.0
@> Number of detected hydrogen bonds: 7.
@> Hydrogen Bonds are replaced
In [37]: interactions.getHydrogenBonds()
[['GLN143', 'NE2_2192', 'P', 'GLU139', 'OE2_2126', 'P', 2.7287, 9.1823],
 ['HSE66', 'NE2_957', 'P', 'GLU139', 'OE1_2125', 'P', 2.7314, 6.3592],
 ['ARG40', 'N_561', 'P', 'LYS6', 'O_37', 'P', 2.7479, 17.1499],
 ['ARG58', 'N_813', 'P', 'ASP56', 'OD1_788', 'P', 2.7499, 29.9737],
 ['ASN53', 'ND2_747', 'P', 'GLU50', 'OE1_708', 'P', 2.7702, 18.2336],
 ['ALA74', 'N_1064', 'P', 'ASN53', 'O_751', 'P', 2.7782, 21.3375],
 ['ASP56', 'N_780', 'P', 'ILE16', 'O_189', 'P', 2.7793, 27.0481]]

If we want to replace salt bridges, repulsive ionic bonding, or Pi-cation interactions:

In [38]: sb2 = calcSaltBridges(atoms, distA=6)

In [39]: interactions.setNewSaltBridges(sb2)

In [40]: rib2 = calcRepulsiveIonicBonding(atoms, distA=9)

In [41]: interactions.setNewRepulsiveIonicBonding(rib2)

In [42]: picat2 = calcPiCation(atoms, distA=7)

In [43]: interactions.setNewPiCation(picat2)
@> Calculating salt bridges.
@>      HSE66    P         NE2_957  <--->     GLU139    P   OE1_2125_2126     2.8
@>      ASP81    P   OD1_1193_1194  <--->      ARG75    P   NH1_1090_1093     2.9
@>      ASP32    P     OD1_443_444  <--->      LYS28    P          NZ_380     3.0
@>     ARG101    P   NH1_1516_1519  <--->      ASP98    P   OD1_1463_1464     3.1
@>      ARG27    P     NH1_356_359  <--->      GLU23    P     OE1_290_291     3.7
@>     GLU139    P   OE1_2125_2126  <--->      ARG65    P     NH1_938_941     3.8
@>     LYS102    P         NZ_1540  <--->      ASP98    P   OD1_1463_1464     3.9
@>      ARG58    P     NH1_829_832  <--->      ASP56    P     OD1_788_789     3.9
@>      ARG18    P     NH1_217_220  <--->      ASP92    P   OD1_1368_1369     4.1
@>     GLU114    P   OE1_1735_1736  <--->     LYS112    P         NZ_1699     4.1
@>     ASP120    P   OD1_1824_1825  <--->     ARG147    P   NH1_2257_2260     4.2
@>     LYS110    P         NZ_1667  <--->      ASP86    P   OD1_1269_1270     4.2
@>     GLU114    P   OE1_1735_1736  <--->     HSE157    P        NE2_2418     4.4
@>      ARG18    P     NH1_217_220  <--->     ASP129    P   OD1_1978_1979     4.6
@>      ARG75    P   NH1_1090_1093  <--->      ASP42    P     OD1_609_610     4.6
@>      GLU23    P     OE1_290_291  <--->      HSE72    P        NE2_1042     5.0
@>      ASP42    P     OD1_609_610  <--->      HSE72    P        NE2_1042     5.4
@>      ASP81    P   OD1_1193_1194  <--->      ARG40    P     NH1_577_580     5.8
@> Number of detected salt bridges: 18.
@> Salt Bridges are replaced
@> Calculating repulsive ionic bonding.
@>      ASP42    P     OD1_609_610  <--->      ASP81    P   OD1_1193_1194     6.7
@>      GLU80    P   OE1_1181_1182  <--->      ASP81    P   OD1_1193_1194     7.0
@>      ASP92    P   OD1_1368_1369  <--->     ASP129    P   OD1_1978_1979     7.6
@>     LYS110    P         NZ_1667  <--->      ARG40    P     NH1_577_580     7.8
@>      ASP92    P   OD1_1368_1369  <--->      GLU93    P   OE1_1383_1384     8.6
@>     GLU128    P   OE1_1966_1967  <--->     ASP137    P   OD1_2090_2091     8.9
@> Number of detected Repulsive Ionic Bonding interactions: 6.
@> Repulsive Ionic Bonding are replaced
@> Calculating cation-Pi interactions.
@>      PHE85   P   1248_1249_1251_1253_1255_1257  <--->      ARG40   P                     NH1_577_580     3.7
@>      HSE66   P             953_954_955_957_959  <--->      ARG65   P                     NH1_938_941     4.5
@>     HSE157   P2414_2415_2416_2418_2420_2423_2424  <--->     LYS112   P                         NZ_1699     4.8
@>     PHE138   P   2101_2102_2104_2106_2108_2110  <--->      ARG58   P                     NH1_829_832     5.0
@>     TYR131   P   2003_2004_2006_2008_2011_2013  <--->      ARG58   P                     NH1_829_832     5.1
@>      PHE85   P   1248_1249_1251_1253_1255_1257  <--->      ARG75   P                   NH1_1090_1093     6.3
@>      TRP39   P         549_550_551_553_555_557  <--->       LYS6   P                           NZ_32     6.6
@>      TYR87   P   1280_1281_1283_1285_1288_1290  <--->     LYS112   P                         NZ_1699     6.8
@> Number of detected cation-pi interactions: 8.
@> Pi-Cation interactions are replaced

Assess the functional significance of a residue

For assessing the functional significance of each residue in protein structure, we counted the number of possible contacts based on:

  1. Hydrogen bonds (HBs)
  2. Salt Bridges (SBs)
  3. Repulsive Ionic Bonding (RIB)
  4. Pi stacking interactions (PiStack)
  5. Pi-cation interactions (PiCat)
  6. Hydrophobic interactions (HPh)
  7. Disulfide Bonds (DiBs)

To compute the weighted interactions use the Interactions.buildInteractionMatrix() method:

In [44]: matrix = interactions.buildInteractionMatrix()
@> Calculating interactions

The results can be displayed in the following way:

In [45]: import matplotlib.pylab as plt

In [46]: showAtomicMatrix(matrix,, cmap='seismic', markersize=5)

In [47]: plt.xlabel('Residue')

In [48]: plt.ylabel('Residue')

In [49]: plt.clim([-3,3])

The total number of interaction for each residue can be displayed on the plot using showCumulativeInteractionTypes() function.

In [50]: interactions.showCumulativeInteractionTypes()
@> Calculating interaction matrix
@> Calculating interaction matrix
@> Calculating interaction matrix
@> Calculating interaction matrix
@> Calculating interaction matrix
@> Calculating interaction matrix
@> Calculating interaction matrix

Energy of interactions

Additionally, we can also obtain energy of the pairs of identified interactions with several functions. One of them is showPairEnergy() method that will check the energy of interactions for pairs of residues and add it to the interactions list. Energies will be added at the last position for each pair.

In [51]: showPairEnergy(interactions.getHydrogenBonds())
[['ARG101', 'NH1_1516', 'P', 'ASP98', 'OD1_1463', 'P', 1.998, 33.1238, -3.92],
['HIS72', 'NE2_1042', 'P', 'ASN15', 'OD1_165', 'P', 2.5997, 34.752, -3.05],
['GLN143', 'NE2_2192', 'P', 'GLU139', 'OE2_2126', 'P', 2.7287, 9.1823, -3.45],
['HIS66', 'NE2_957', 'P', 'GLU139', 'OE1_2125', 'P', 2.7314, 6.3592, -3.15],
['ARG40', 'N_561', 'P', 'LYS6', 'O_37', 'P', 2.7479, 17.1499, -2.11],
['ARG58', 'N_813', 'P', 'ASP56', 'OD1_788', 'P', 2.7499, 29.9737, -3.92],
['ALA45', 'N_634', 'P', 'ARG75', 'O_1097', 'P', 2.7609, 35.0983, -3.26],
['ASN53', 'ND2_747', 'P', 'GLU50', 'OE1_708', 'P', 2.7702, 18.2336, -2.43],
['ALA74', 'N_1064', 'P', 'ASN53', 'O_751', 'P', 2.7782, 21.3375, -2.06],
['ASP56', 'N_780', 'P', 'ILE16', 'O_189', 'P', 2.7793, 27.0481, -3.46],
['LYS110', 'NZ_1667', 'P', 'THR84', 'O_1240', 'P', 2.7977, 38.2213, -1.64],
['LEU116', 'N_1758', 'P', 'CYS90', 'O_1342', 'P', 2.8072, 15.0239, -6.13],
['SER103', 'N_1546', 'P', 'LEU99', 'O_1485', 'P', 2.8075, 29.107, -4.12],
['ASN134', 'N_2045', 'P', 'ASP137', 'OD2_2091', 'P', 2.8132, 22.562, -2.5],
['PHE152', 'N_2321', 'P', 'CYS148', 'O_2275', 'P', 2.8141, 8.2562, -4.81],
['ASN95', 'N_1398', 'P', 'ASP92', 'OD1_1368', 'P', 2.8148, 12.5701, -2.5],
['LYS6', 'N_16', 'P', 'ASN38', 'O_536', 'P', 2.8178, 25.0305, -1.63],
['ILE77', 'N_1115', 'P', 'ALA45', 'O_643', 'P', 2.8179, 12.1855, -4.45],
['ARG58', 'NH2_832', 'P', 'ASP56', 'OD2_789', 'P', 2.8204, 27.6617, -3.92],
['LEU99', 'N_1467', 'P', 'ASN95', 'O_1411', 'P', 2.8205, 15.4867, -3.94],
['CYS149', 'N_2276', 'P', 'CYS145', 'O_2224', 'P', 2.8247, 9.5914, -7.23],
['GLY52', 'N_731', 'P', 'ALA74', 'O_1073', 'P', 2.832, 6.6442, -2.24],
['ASP32', 'N_435', 'P', 'LYS28', 'O_385', 'P', 2.8357, 8.8318, -2.47],
['ILE88', 'N_1294', 'P', 'LYS112', 'O_1704', 'P', 2.8429, 17.7147, -2.88],

Another function is Interactions.buildInteractionMatrixEnergy() which provides matrix with energies of interactions for each pair.

In [52]: matrix_en = interactions.buildInteractionMatrixEnergy()
@> Calculating interaction matrix

The results can be displayed in the following way:

In [53]: import matplotlib.pylab as plt

In [54]: showAtomicMatrix(matrix_en,, cmap='seismic', markersize=5)

In [55]: plt.xlabel('Residue')

In [56]: plt.ylabel('Residue')

In [57]: plt.clim([-3,3])

The total energy of interaction for each residue can be displayed on the plot using showCumulativeInteractionTypes() function with energy=True.

In [58]: interactions.showCumulativeInteractionTypes(energy=True)
@> Calculating interaction matrix
@> Calculating interaction matrix
@> Calculating interaction matrix
@> Calculating interaction matrix
@> Calculating interaction matrix
@> Calculating interaction matrix
@> Calculating interaction matrix

Visualize number of interactions onto 3D structure

The number of the interaction or total energy can be saved to a PDB file in the Occupancy column by using Interactions.saveInteractionsPDB() method. Then the score would be displayed in color in any available graphical program, for example, in VMD.

In [59]: interactions.saveInteractionsPDB(filename='5kqm_meanMatrix.pdb')
@> PDB file saved.

A file 5kqm_meanMatrix.pdb will be saved and can be used in VMD by uploading PDB structure and displaying it with Coloring Method Occupancy. By default blue colors correspond to the highest values but we can change it in VMD Main -> Graphics -> Color Controls -> Color Scale -> Method to BWR.


To save energy of interaction instead of number of interactions we can use the following command:

In [60]: interactions.saveInteractionsPDB(filename='5kqm_meanMatrix_en.pdb', energy=True)
@> PDB file saved.

Exclude some interaction types from calculations

For analysis we can exclude some of the interaction types by assigning zero to the type of interactions (HBs - hydrogen bonds, SBs - salt bridges, RIB - repulsive ionic bonding, PiCat - Pi-Cation, PiStack - Pi-Stacking, HPh - hydrophobic interactions and finally DiBs - disulfide bonds).

In [61]: matrix = interactions.buildInteractionMatrix(RIB=0, HBs=0, HPh=0, DiBs=0)
@> Calculating interaction matrix

The results can be displayed in a similar way:

In [62]: showAtomicMatrix(matrix,, cmap='seismic', markersize=8)

In [63]: plt.xlabel('Residue')

In [64]: plt.ylabel('Residue')

In [65]: plt.clim([-3,3])
In [66]: interactions.showCumulativeInteractionTypes(HPh=0, DiBs=0)
@> Calculating interaction matrix
@> Calculating interaction matrix
@> Calculating interaction matrix
@> Calculating interaction matrix
@> Calculating interaction matrix
@> Calculating interaction matrix
@> Calculating interaction matrix