# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module defines MSA analysis functions."""
__author__ = 'Ahmet Bakan, Chakra Chennubhotla'
from numpy import arange, array, nonzero
from .analysis import *
from .msa import refineMSA
from prody import LOGGER
__all__ = ['showMSAOccupancy', 'showShannonEntropy', 'showMutinfoMatrix',
'showDirectInfoMatrix', 'showSCAMatrix']
def pickSequence(msa, require_match=False):
"""Pick a sequence without gaps and deletions and return its residue
numbers and labels to be used as indices and X-axis label, or a pair
of **None** at failure."""
counts = calcMSAOccupancy(msa, 'row', count=True)
except TypeError:
return None, None
length = msa.numResidues()
split, msa.split = msa.split, True
rows = (counts == length).nonzero()[0]
for row in rows:
label, (match, indices) = msa[row].getLabel(), msa[row].getResnums(report_match=True)
if require_match and not match:
return (indices, 'Residue number ({0})'.format(label))
return None, None
[docs]def showMSAOccupancy(msa, occ='res', indices=None, count=False, **kwargs):
"""Show a bar plot of occupancy calculated for :class:`.MSA` instance *msa*
using :func:`.calcMSAOccupancy`. *occ* may be ``'res'`` or ``'col'``, or a
a pre-calculated occupancy array. If x-axis *indices* are not specified,
they will be inferred from *msa* or given *label* that may correspond to
a sequence in the msa.
Occupancy is plotted using :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.bar` function."""
numseq, lenseq = msa.numSequences(), msa.numResidues()
except AttributeError:
raise TypeError('msa must be an MSA instance')
length = len(occ)
except TypeError:
raise TypeError("occ must be 'res', 'col', or an occupancy array")
sw = occ.startswith
except (TypeError, AttributeError):
ndim = occ.ndim
except AttributeError:
raise TypeError("occ must be 'res', 'col', or an occupancy array")
if ndim != 1:
raise ValueError('occ must be a 1-dimensional array')
occ = calcMSAOccupancy(msa, occ, count)
length = len(occ)
if length == numseq:
xlabel = kwargs.pop('xlabel', None) or 'MSA sequence index'
if length == lenseq:
label = kwargs.pop('label', None)
if label is not None:
indices = array(msa[label].getResnums(gaps=True))
LOGGER.info('Specified label not in msa.')
xlabel = kwargs.pop('xlabel', None) or label or 'MSA column index'
if xlabel is None and indices is None:
indices, xlabel = pickSequence(msa)
if indices is None:
indices = arange(1, length + 1)
ylabel = kwargs.pop('ylabel', 'Count' if count else 'Occupancy')
title = kwargs.pop('title', None)
format = kwargs.pop('format', True)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
if len(nonzero(indices)[0]) < len(indices):
occ = occ[nonzero(indices)[0]]
indices = indices[nonzero(indices)[0]]
show = plt.bar(indices, occ, **kwargs)
if format:
if title is None:
title = 'Occupancy: ' + msa.getTitle()
return show
[docs]def showShannonEntropy(entropy, indices=None, **kwargs):
"""Show a bar plot of Shannon *entropy* array. :class:`.MSA` instances
or Numpy character arrays storing sequence alignments are also accepted
as *entropy* argument, in which case :func:`.calcShannonEntropy` will
be used for calculations. *indices* may be residue numbers, when not
specified they will be inferred from *msa* or indices starting from 1
will be used.
Entropy is plotted using :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.bar` function."""
msa = None
ndim = entropy.ndim
except AttributeError:
msa = entropy
entropy = calcShannonEntropy(msa)
ndim = entropy.ndim
if ndim != 1:
raise ValueError('entropy must be a 1D array')
msa = kwargs.pop('msa', msa)
xlabel = kwargs.pop('xlabel', None)
if indices is None:
length = len(entropy)
if msa is not None:
indices, xlabel = pickSequence(msa, require_match=True)
if indices is None:
indices, xlabel = pickSequence(msa)
if indices is None:
indices = arange(1, length + 1)
xlabel = xlabel or 'MSA column index'
ylabel = kwargs.pop('ylabel', 'Shannon entropy')
title = kwargs.pop('title', None)
format = kwargs.pop('format', True)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
show = plt.bar(indices, entropy, **kwargs)
if format:
if title is None:
if msa is None:
title = 'Entropy'
title = 'Entropy: ' + str(msa)
return show
[docs]def showMutinfoMatrix(mutinfo, *args, **kwargs):
"""Show a heatmap of mutual information array. :class:`.MSA` instances
or Numpy character arrays storing sequence alignment are also accepted
as *mutinfo* argument, in which case :func:`.buildMutinfoMatrix` will
be used for calculations. Note that x, y axes contain indices of the
matrix starting from 1.
Mutual information is plotted using :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`
function. vmin and vmax values can be set by user to achieve better
signals using this function."""
msa = None
ndim, shape = mutinfo.ndim, mutinfo.shape
except AttributeError:
msa = mutinfo
mutinfo = buildMutinfoMatrix(mutinfo)
ndim, shape = mutinfo.ndim, mutinfo.shape
msa = kwargs.pop('msa', msa)
if ndim != 2:
raise ValueError('mutinfo must be a 2D matrix')
y, x = shape
if x != y:
raise ValueError('mutinfo matrix must be a square matrix')
kwargs.setdefault('interpolation', 'nearest')
kwargs.setdefault('origin', 'lower')
if msa is not None:
indices, msalabel = pickSequence(msa, require_match=True)
if indices is None:
indices, msalabel = pickSequence(msa)
if indices is not None:
start = indices[0] + 0.5
end = start + x
extent = [start, end, start, end]
extent = [0.5, x + 0.5, 0.5, y + 0.5]
msalabel = None
extent = [0.5, x + 0.5, 0.5, y + 0.5]
xlabel = kwargs.pop('xlabel', None)
if xlabel is None:
xlabel = msalabel or 'MSA column index'
title = kwargs.pop('title', None)
format = kwargs.pop('format', True)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
show = plt.imshow(mutinfo, extent=extent, *args, **kwargs), plt.colorbar()
if format:
if title is None:
if msa is None:
title = 'Mutual Information'
title = 'Mutual Information: ' + str(msa)
return show
[docs]def showDirectInfoMatrix(dirinfo, *args, **kwargs):
"""Show a heatmap of direct information array. :class:`.MSA` instances
or Numpy character arrays storing sequence alignment are also accepted
as *dirinfo* argument, in which case :func:`.buildDirectInfoMatrix` will
be used for calculations. Note that x, y axes contain indices of the
matrix starting from 1.
Direct information is plotted using :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`
function. vmin and vmax values can be set by user to achieve better
signals using this function."""
msa = None
ndim, shape = dirinfo.ndim, dirinfo.shape
except AttributeError:
msa = dirinfo
dirinfo = buildDirectInfoMatrix(dirinfo)
ndim, shape = dirinfo.ndim, dirinfo.shape
msa = kwargs.pop('msa', msa)
if ndim != 2:
raise ValueError('dirinfo must be a 2D matrix')
y, x = shape
if x != y:
raise ValueError('dirinfo matrix must be a square matrix')
kwargs.setdefault('interpolation', 'nearest')
kwargs.setdefault('origin', 'lower')
if msa is not None:
indices, msalabel = pickSequence(msa)
if indices is not None:
start = indices[0] + 0.5
end = start + x
extent = [start, end, start, end]
extent = [0.5, x + 0.5, 0.5, y + 0.5]
msalabel = None
extent = [0.5, x + 0.5, 0.5, y + 0.5]
xlabel = kwargs.pop('xlabel', None)
if xlabel is None:
xlabel = msalabel or 'MSA column index'
title = kwargs.pop('title', None)
format = kwargs.pop('format', True)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
show = plt.imshow(dirinfo, extent=extent, *args, **kwargs), plt.colorbar()
if format:
if title is None:
if msa is None:
title = 'Direct Information'
title = 'Direct Information: ' + str(msa)
return show
[docs]def showSCAMatrix(scainfo, *args, **kwargs):
"""Show a heatmap of SCA (statistical coupling analysis) array.
:class:`.MSA` instances. blah
or Numpy character arrays storing sequence alignment are also accepted
as *scainfo* argument, in which case :func:`.buildSCAMatrix` will
be used for calculations. Note that x, y axes contain indices of the
matrix starting from 1.
SCA information is plotted using :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`
function. vmin and vmax values can be set by user to achieve better
signals using this function."""
msa = None
ndim, shape = scainfo.ndim, scainfo.shape
except AttributeError:
msa = scainfo
scainfo = buildSCAMatrix(scainfo)
ndim, shape = scainfo.ndim, scainfo.shape
msa = kwargs.pop('msa', msa)
if ndim != 2:
raise ValueError('scainfo must be a 2D matrix')
y, x = shape
if x != y:
raise ValueError('scainfo matrix must be a square matrix')
kwargs.setdefault('interpolation', 'nearest')
kwargs.setdefault('origin', 'lower')
if msa is not None:
indices, msalabel = pickSequence(msa)
if indices is not None:
start = indices[0] + 0.5
end = start + x
extent = [start, end, start, end]
extent = [0.5, x + 0.5, 0.5, y + 0.5]
msalabel = None
extent = [0.5, x + 0.5, 0.5, y + 0.5]
xlabel = kwargs.pop('xlabel', None)
if xlabel is None:
xlabel = msalabel or 'MSA column index'
title = kwargs.pop('title', None)
format = kwargs.pop('format', True)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
show = plt.imshow(scainfo, extent=extent, *args, **kwargs), plt.colorbar()
if format:
if title is None:
if msa is None:
title = 'SCA Information'
title = 'SCA Information: ' + str(msa)
return show
if __name__ == '__main__':
from prody import *
msa = parseMSA('piwi_seed.sth')
msa = refineMSA(msa, label=msa[0][0])
print(calcMSAOccupancy(msa, 'row', count=True))