Source code for Bio.Phylo.TreeConstruction

# Copyright (C) 2013 by Yanbo Ye (
# This file is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by your
# choice of the "Biopython License Agreement" or the "BSD 3-Clause License".
# Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included as part of this
# package.

"""Classes and methods for tree construction."""

import itertools
import copy
from Bio.Phylo import BaseTree
from Bio.Align import MultipleSeqAlignment
from Bio.SubsMat import MatrixInfo
from Bio import _py3k
from Bio._py3k import zip, range

def _is_numeric(x):
    """Return True if is numeric."""
    return _py3k._is_int_or_long(x) or isinstance(x, (float, complex))

class _Matrix(object):
    """Base class for distance matrix or scoring matrix.

    Accepts a list of names and a lower triangular matrix.::

        matrix = [[0],
                  [1, 0],
                  [2, 3, 0],
                  [4, 5, 6, 0]]
        represents the symmetric matrix of

        names : list
            names of elements, used for indexing
        matrix : list
            nested list of numerical lists in lower triangular format

    >>> from Bio.Phylo.TreeConstruction import _Matrix
    >>> names = ['Alpha', 'Beta', 'Gamma', 'Delta']
    >>> matrix = [[0], [1, 0], [2, 3, 0], [4, 5, 6, 0]]
    >>> m = _Matrix(names, matrix)
    >>> m
    _Matrix(names=['Alpha', 'Beta', 'Gamma', 'Delta'], matrix=[[0], [1, 0], [2, 3, 0], [4, 5, 6, 0]])

    You can use two indices to get or assign an element in the matrix.

    >>> m[1,2]
    >>> m['Beta','Gamma']
    >>> m['Beta','Gamma'] = 4
    >>> m['Beta','Gamma']

    Further more, you can use one index to get or assign a list of elements related to that index.

    >>> m[0]
    [0, 1, 2, 4]
    >>> m['Alpha']
    [0, 1, 2, 4]
    >>> m['Alpha'] = [0, 7, 8, 9]
    >>> m[0]
    [0, 7, 8, 9]
    >>> m[0,1]

    Also you can delete or insert a column&row of elemets by index.

    >>> m
    _Matrix(names=['Alpha', 'Beta', 'Gamma', 'Delta'], matrix=[[0], [7, 0], [8, 4, 0], [9, 5, 6, 0]])
    >>> del m['Alpha']
    >>> m
    _Matrix(names=['Beta', 'Gamma', 'Delta'], matrix=[[0], [4, 0], [5, 6, 0]])
    >>> m.insert('Alpha', [0, 7, 8, 9] , 0)
    >>> m
    _Matrix(names=['Alpha', 'Beta', 'Gamma', 'Delta'], matrix=[[0], [7, 0], [8, 4, 0], [9, 5, 6, 0]])


    def __init__(self, names, matrix=None):
        """Initialize matrix.

        Arguments are a list of names, and optionally a list of lower
        triangular matrix data (zero matrix used by default).
        # check names
        if isinstance(names, list) and all(isinstance(s, str) for s in names):
            if len(set(names)) == len(names):
                self.names = names
                raise ValueError("Duplicate names found")
            raise TypeError("'names' should be a list of strings")

        # check matrix
        if matrix is None:
            # create a new one with 0 if matrix is not assigned
            matrix = [[0] * i for i in range(1, len(self) + 1)]
            self.matrix = matrix
            # check if all elements are numbers
            if (
                isinstance(matrix, list)
                and all(isinstance(l, list) for l in matrix)
                and all(
                    for n in [item for sublist in matrix for item in sublist]
                # check if the same length with names
                if len(matrix) == len(names):
                    # check if is lower triangle format
                    if [len(m) for m in matrix] == list(range(1, len(self) + 1)):
                        self.matrix = matrix
                        raise ValueError("'matrix' should be in lower triangle format")
                    raise ValueError("'names' and 'matrix' should be the same size")
                raise TypeError("'matrix' should be a list of numerical lists")

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        """Access value(s) by the index(s) or name(s).

        For a _Matrix object 'dm'::

            dm[i]                   get a value list from the given 'i' to others;
            dm[i, j]                get the value between 'i' and 'j';
            dm['name']              map name to index first
            dm['name1', 'name2']    map name to index first

        # Handle single indexing
        if isinstance(item, (int, str)):
            index = None
            if isinstance(item, int):
                index = item
            elif isinstance(item, str):
                if item in self.names:
                    index = self.names.index(item)
                    raise ValueError("Item not found.")
                raise TypeError("Invalid index type.")
            # check index
            if index > len(self) - 1:
                raise IndexError("Index out of range.")
            return [self.matrix[index][i] for i in range(0, index)] + [
                self.matrix[i][index] for i in range(index, len(self))
        # Handle double indexing
        elif len(item) == 2:
            row_index = None
            col_index = None
            if all(isinstance(i, int) for i in item):
                row_index, col_index = item
            elif all(isinstance(i, str) for i in item):
                row_name, col_name = item
                if row_name in self.names and col_name in self.names:
                    row_index = self.names.index(row_name)
                    col_index = self.names.index(col_name)
                    raise ValueError("Item not found.")
                raise TypeError("Invalid index type.")
            # check index
            if row_index > len(self) - 1 or col_index > len(self) - 1:
                raise IndexError("Index out of range.")
            if row_index > col_index:
                return self.matrix[row_index][col_index]
                return self.matrix[col_index][row_index]
            raise TypeError("Invalid index type.")

    def __setitem__(self, item, value):
        """Set value by the index(s) or name(s).

        Similar to __getitem__::

            dm[1] = [1, 0, 3, 4]    set values from '1' to others;
            dm[i, j] = 2            set the value from 'i' to 'j'

        # Handle single indexing
        if isinstance(item, (int, str)):
            index = None
            if isinstance(item, int):
                index = item
            elif isinstance(item, str):
                if item in self.names:
                    index = self.names.index(item)
                    raise ValueError("Item not found.")
                raise TypeError("Invalid index type.")
            # check index
            if index > len(self) - 1:
                raise IndexError("Index out of range.")
            # check and assign value
            if isinstance(value, list) and all(_is_numeric(n) for n in value):
                if len(value) == len(self):
                    for i in range(0, index):
                        self.matrix[index][i] = value[i]
                    for i in range(index, len(self)):
                        self.matrix[i][index] = value[i]
                    raise ValueError("Value not the same size.")
                raise TypeError("Invalid value type.")
        # Handle double indexing
        elif len(item) == 2:
            row_index = None
            col_index = None
            if all(isinstance(i, int) for i in item):
                row_index, col_index = item
            elif all(isinstance(i, str) for i in item):
                row_name, col_name = item
                if row_name in self.names and col_name in self.names:
                    row_index = self.names.index(row_name)
                    col_index = self.names.index(col_name)
                    raise ValueError("Item not found.")
                raise TypeError("Invalid index type.")
            # check index
            if row_index > len(self) - 1 or col_index > len(self) - 1:
                raise IndexError("Index out of range.")
            # check and assign value
            if _is_numeric(value):
                if row_index > col_index:
                    self.matrix[row_index][col_index] = value
                    self.matrix[col_index][row_index] = value
                raise TypeError("Invalid value type.")
            raise TypeError("Invalid index type.")

    def __delitem__(self, item):
        """Delete related distances by the index or name."""
        index = None
        if isinstance(item, int):
            index = item
        elif isinstance(item, str):
            index = self.names.index(item)
            raise TypeError("Invalid index type.")
        # remove distances related to index
        for i in range(index + 1, len(self)):
            del self.matrix[i][index]
        del self.matrix[index]
        # remove name
        del self.names[index]

    def insert(self, name, value, index=None):
        """Insert distances given the name and value.

            name : str
                name of a row/col to be inserted
            value : list
                a row/col of values to be inserted

        if isinstance(name, str):
            # insert at the given index or at the end
            if index is None:
                index = len(self)
            if not isinstance(index, int):
                raise TypeError("Invalid index type.")
            # insert name
            self.names.insert(index, name)
            # insert elements of 0, to be assigned
            self.matrix.insert(index, [0] * index)
            for i in range(index, len(self)):
                self.matrix[i].insert(index, 0)
            # assign value
            self[index] = value
            raise TypeError("Invalid name type.")

    def __len__(self):
        """Matrix length."""
        return len(self.names)

    def __repr__(self):
        """Return Matrix as a string."""
        return self.__class__.__name__ + "(names=%s, matrix=%s)" % tuple(
            map(repr, (self.names, self.matrix))

    def __str__(self):
        """Get a lower triangular matrix string."""
        matrix_string = "\n".join(
                self.names[i] + "\t" + "\t".join([str(n) for n in self.matrix[i]])
                for i in range(0, len(self))
        matrix_string = matrix_string + "\n\t" + "\t".join(self.names)
        return matrix_string

[docs]class DistanceMatrix(_Matrix): """Distance matrix class that can be used for distance based tree algorithms. All diagonal elements will be zero no matter what the users provide. """ def __init__(self, names, matrix=None): """Initialize the class.""" _Matrix.__init__(self, names, matrix) self._set_zero_diagonal() def __setitem__(self, item, value): """Set Matrix's items to values.""" _Matrix.__setitem__(self, item, value) self._set_zero_diagonal() def _set_zero_diagonal(self): """Set all diagonal elements to zero (PRIVATE).""" for i in range(0, len(self)): self.matrix[i][i] = 0
[docs] def format_phylip(self, handle): """Write data in Phylip format to a given file-like object or handle. The output stream is the input distance matrix format used with Phylip programs (e.g. 'neighbor'). See: :Parameters: handle : file or file-like object A writeable file handle or other object supporting the 'write' method, such as StringIO or sys.stdout. On Python 3, should be open in text mode. """ handle.write(" {0}\n".format(len(self.names))) # Phylip needs space-separated, vertically aligned columns name_width = max(12, max(map(len, self.names)) + 1) value_fmts = ("{" + str(x) + ":.4f}" for x in range(1, len(self.matrix) + 1)) row_fmt = "{0:" + str(name_width) + "s}" + " ".join(value_fmts) + "\n" for i, (name, values) in enumerate(zip(self.names, self.matrix)): # Mirror the matrix values across the diagonal mirror_values = (self.matrix[j][i] for j in range(i + 1, len(self.matrix))) fields = itertools.chain([name], values, mirror_values) handle.write(row_fmt.format(*fields))
# Shim for compatibility with Biopython<1.70 (#1304) _DistanceMatrix = DistanceMatrix class DistanceCalculator(object): """Class to calculate the distance matrix from a DNA or Protein. Multiple Sequence Alignment(MSA) and the given name of the substitution model. Currently only scoring matrices are used. :Parameters: model : str Name of the model matrix to be used to calculate distance. The attribute ``dna_matrices`` contains the available model names for DNA sequences and ``protein_matrices`` for protein sequences. Examples -------- Loading a small PHYLIP alignment from which to compute distances:: from Bio.Phylo.TreeConstruction import DistanceCalculator from Bio import AlignIO aln ='TreeConstruction/msa.phy'), 'phylip') print(aln) Output:: SingleLetterAlphabet() alignment with 5 rows and 13 columns AACGTGGCCACAT Alpha AAGGTCGCCACAC Beta CAGTTCGCCACAA Gamma GAGATTTCCGCCT Delta GAGATCTCCGCCC Epsilon DNA calculator with 'identity' model:: calculator = DistanceCalculator('identity') dm = calculator.get_distance(aln) print(dm) Output:: Alpha 0 Beta 0.23076923076923073 0 Gamma 0.3846153846153846 0.23076923076923073 0 Delta 0.5384615384615384 0.5384615384615384 0.5384615384615384 0 Epsilon 0.6153846153846154 0.3846153846153846 0.46153846153846156 0.15384615384615385 0 Alpha Beta Gamma Delta Epsilon Protein calculator with 'blosum62' model:: calculator = DistanceCalculator('blosum62') dm = calculator.get_distance(aln) print(dm) Output:: Alpha 0 Beta 0.36904761904761907 0 Gamma 0.49397590361445787 0.25 0 Delta 0.5853658536585367 0.5476190476190477 0.5662650602409638 0 Epsilon 0.7 0.3555555555555555 0.48888888888888893 0.2222222222222222 0 Alpha Beta Gamma Delta Epsilon """ dna_alphabet = ["A", "T", "C", "G"] # BLAST nucleic acid scoring matrix blastn = [[5], [-4, 5], [-4, -4, 5], [-4, -4, -4, 5]] # transition/transversion scoring matrix trans = [[6], [-5, 6], [-5, -1, 6], [-1, -5, -5, 6]] protein_alphabet = [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "K", "L", "M", "N", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", ] # matrices available dna_matrices = {"blastn": blastn, "trans": trans} protein_models = MatrixInfo.available_matrices protein_matrices = {name: getattr(MatrixInfo, name) for name in protein_models} dna_models = list(dna_matrices.keys()) models = ["identity"] + dna_models + protein_models def __init__(self, model="identity", skip_letters=None): """Initialize with a distance model.""" # Shim for backward compatibility (#491) if skip_letters: self.skip_letters = skip_letters elif model == "identity": self.skip_letters = () else: self.skip_letters = ("-", "*") if model == "identity": self.scoring_matrix = None elif model in self.dna_models: self.scoring_matrix = _Matrix(self.dna_alphabet, self.dna_matrices[model]) elif model in self.protein_models: self.scoring_matrix = self._build_protein_matrix( self.protein_matrices[model] ) else: raise ValueError( "Model not supported. Available models: " + ", ".join(self.models) ) def _pairwise(self, seq1, seq2): """Calculate pairwise distance from two sequences (PRIVATE). Returns a value between 0 (identical sequences) and 1 (completely different, or seq1 is an empty string.) """ score = 0 max_score = 0 if self.scoring_matrix: max_score1 = 0 max_score2 = 0 for i in range(0, len(seq1)): l1 = seq1[i] l2 = seq2[i] if l1 in self.skip_letters or l2 in self.skip_letters: continue if l1 not in self.scoring_matrix.names: raise ValueError( "Bad alphabet '%s' in sequence '%s' at position '%s'" % (l1,, i) ) if l2 not in self.scoring_matrix.names: raise ValueError( "Bad alphabet '%s' in sequence '%s' at position '%s'" % (l2,, i) ) max_score1 += self.scoring_matrix[l1, l1] max_score2 += self.scoring_matrix[l2, l2] score += self.scoring_matrix[l1, l2] # Take the higher score if the matrix is asymmetrical max_score = max(max_score1, max_score2) else: # Score by character identity, not skipping any special letters score = sum( l1 == l2 for l1, l2 in zip(seq1, seq2) if l1 not in self.skip_letters and l2 not in self.skip_letters ) max_score = len(seq1) if max_score == 0: return 1 # max possible scaled distance return 1 - (score * 1.0 / max_score) def get_distance(self, msa): """Return a DistanceMatrix for MSA object. :Parameters: msa : MultipleSeqAlignment DNA or Protein multiple sequence alignment. """ if not isinstance(msa, MultipleSeqAlignment): raise TypeError("Must provide a MultipleSeqAlignment object.") names = [ for s in msa] dm = DistanceMatrix(names) for seq1, seq2 in itertools.combinations(msa, 2): dm[,] = self._pairwise(seq1, seq2) return dm def _build_protein_matrix(self, subsmat): """Convert matrix from SubsMat format to _Matrix object (PRIVATE).""" protein_matrix = _Matrix(self.protein_alphabet) for k, v in subsmat.items(): aa1, aa2 = k protein_matrix[aa1, aa2] = v return protein_matrix class TreeConstructor(object): """Base class for all tree constructor.""" def build_tree(self, msa): """Caller to built the tree from a MultipleSeqAlignment object. This should be implemented in subclass. """ raise NotImplementedError("Method not implemented!") class DistanceTreeConstructor(TreeConstructor): """Distance based tree constructor. :Parameters: method : str Distance tree construction method, 'nj'(default) or 'upgma'. distance_calculator : DistanceCalculator The distance matrix calculator for multiple sequence alignment. It must be provided if ``build_tree`` will be called. Examples -------- Loading a small PHYLIP alignment from which to compute distances, and then build a upgma Tree:: from Bio.Phylo.TreeConstruction import DistanceTreeConstructor from Bio.Phylo.TreeConstruction import DistanceCalculator from Bio import AlignIO aln ='TreeConstruction/msa.phy'), 'phylip') constructor = DistanceTreeConstructor() calculator = DistanceCalculator('identity') dm = calculator.get_distance(aln) upgmatree = constructor.upgma(dm) print(upgmatree) Output:: Tree(rooted=True) Clade(branch_length=0, name='Inner4') Clade(branch_length=0.18749999999999994, name='Inner1') Clade(branch_length=0.07692307692307693, name='Epsilon') Clade(branch_length=0.07692307692307693, name='Delta') Clade(branch_length=0.11057692307692304, name='Inner3') Clade(branch_length=0.038461538461538464, name='Inner2') Clade(branch_length=0.11538461538461536, name='Gamma') Clade(branch_length=0.11538461538461536, name='Beta') Clade(branch_length=0.15384615384615383, name='Alpha') Build a NJ Tree:: njtree = constructor.nj(dm) print(njtree) Output:: Tree(rooted=False) Clade(branch_length=0, name='Inner3') Clade(branch_length=0.18269230769230765, name='Alpha') Clade(branch_length=0.04807692307692307, name='Beta') Clade(branch_length=0.04807692307692307, name='Inner2') Clade(branch_length=0.27884615384615385, name='Inner1') Clade(branch_length=0.051282051282051266, name='Epsilon') Clade(branch_length=0.10256410256410259, name='Delta') Clade(branch_length=0.14423076923076922, name='Gamma') """ methods = ["nj", "upgma"] def __init__(self, distance_calculator=None, method="nj"): """Initialize the class.""" if distance_calculator is None or isinstance( distance_calculator, DistanceCalculator ): self.distance_calculator = distance_calculator else: raise TypeError("Must provide a DistanceCalculator object.") if isinstance(method, str) and method in self.methods: self.method = method else: raise TypeError( "Bad method: " + method + ". Available methods: " + ", ".join(self.methods) ) def build_tree(self, msa): """Construct and return a Tree, Neighbor Joining or UPGMA.""" if self.distance_calculator: dm = self.distance_calculator.get_distance(msa) tree = None if self.method == "upgma": tree = self.upgma(dm) else: tree = self.nj(dm) return tree else: raise TypeError("Must provide a DistanceCalculator object.") def upgma(self, distance_matrix): """Construct and return an UPGMA tree. Constructs and returns an Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic mean (UPGMA) tree. :Parameters: distance_matrix : DistanceMatrix The distance matrix for tree construction. """ if not isinstance(distance_matrix, DistanceMatrix): raise TypeError("Must provide a DistanceMatrix object.") # make a copy of the distance matrix to be used dm = copy.deepcopy(distance_matrix) # init terminal clades clades = [BaseTree.Clade(None, name) for name in dm.names] # init minimum index min_i = 0 min_j = 0 inner_count = 0 while len(dm) > 1: min_dist = dm[1, 0] # find minimum index for i in range(1, len(dm)): for j in range(0, i): if min_dist >= dm[i, j]: min_dist = dm[i, j] min_i = i min_j = j # create clade clade1 = clades[min_i] clade2 = clades[min_j] inner_count += 1 inner_clade = BaseTree.Clade(None, "Inner" + str(inner_count)) inner_clade.clades.append(clade1) inner_clade.clades.append(clade2) # assign branch length if clade1.is_terminal(): clade1.branch_length = min_dist * 1.0 / 2 else: clade1.branch_length = min_dist * 1.0 / 2 - self._height_of(clade1) if clade2.is_terminal(): clade2.branch_length = min_dist * 1.0 / 2 else: clade2.branch_length = min_dist * 1.0 / 2 - self._height_of(clade2) # update node list clades[min_j] = inner_clade del clades[min_i] # rebuild distance matrix, # set the distances of new node at the index of min_j for k in range(0, len(dm)): if k != min_i and k != min_j: dm[min_j, k] = (dm[min_i, k] + dm[min_j, k]) * 1.0 / 2 dm.names[min_j] = "Inner" + str(inner_count) del dm[min_i] inner_clade.branch_length = 0 return BaseTree.Tree(inner_clade) def nj(self, distance_matrix): """Construct and return a Neighbor Joining tree. :Parameters: distance_matrix : DistanceMatrix The distance matrix for tree construction. """ if not isinstance(distance_matrix, DistanceMatrix): raise TypeError("Must provide a DistanceMatrix object.") # make a copy of the distance matrix to be used dm = copy.deepcopy(distance_matrix) # init terminal clades clades = [BaseTree.Clade(None, name) for name in dm.names] # init node distance node_dist = [0] * len(dm) # init minimum index min_i = 0 min_j = 0 inner_count = 0 # special cases for Minimum Alignment Matrices if len(dm) == 1: root = clades[0] return BaseTree.Tree(root, rooted=False) elif len(dm) == 2: # minimum distance will always be [1,0] min_i = 1 min_j = 0 clade1 = clades[min_i] clade2 = clades[min_j] clade1.branch_length = dm[min_i, min_j] / 2.0 clade2.branch_length = dm[min_i, min_j] - clade1.branch_length inner_clade = BaseTree.Clade(None, "Inner") inner_clade.clades.append(clade1) inner_clade.clades.append(clade2) clades[0] = inner_clade root = clades[0] return BaseTree.Tree(root, rooted=False) while len(dm) > 2: # calculate nodeDist for i in range(0, len(dm)): node_dist[i] = 0 for j in range(0, len(dm)): node_dist[i] += dm[i, j] node_dist[i] = node_dist[i] / (len(dm) - 2) # find minimum distance pair min_dist = dm[1, 0] - node_dist[1] - node_dist[0] min_i = 0 min_j = 1 for i in range(1, len(dm)): for j in range(0, i): temp = dm[i, j] - node_dist[i] - node_dist[j] if min_dist > temp: min_dist = temp min_i = i min_j = j # create clade clade1 = clades[min_i] clade2 = clades[min_j] inner_count += 1 inner_clade = BaseTree.Clade(None, "Inner" + str(inner_count)) inner_clade.clades.append(clade1) inner_clade.clades.append(clade2) # assign branch length clade1.branch_length = ( dm[min_i, min_j] + node_dist[min_i] - node_dist[min_j] ) / 2.0 clade2.branch_length = dm[min_i, min_j] - clade1.branch_length # update node list clades[min_j] = inner_clade del clades[min_i] # rebuild distance matrix, # set the distances of new node at the index of min_j for k in range(0, len(dm)): if k != min_i and k != min_j: dm[min_j, k] = ( dm[min_i, k] + dm[min_j, k] - dm[min_i, min_j] ) / 2.0 dm.names[min_j] = "Inner" + str(inner_count) del dm[min_i] # set the last clade as one of the child of the inner_clade root = None if clades[0] == inner_clade: clades[0].branch_length = 0 clades[1].branch_length = dm[1, 0] clades[0].clades.append(clades[1]) root = clades[0] else: clades[0].branch_length = dm[1, 0] clades[1].branch_length = 0 clades[1].clades.append(clades[0]) root = clades[1] return BaseTree.Tree(root, rooted=False) def _height_of(self, clade): """Calculate clade height -- the longest path to any terminal (PRIVATE).""" height = 0 if clade.is_terminal(): height = clade.branch_length else: height = height + max(self._height_of(c) for c in clade.clades) return height # #################### Tree Scoring and Searching Classes ##################### class Scorer(object): """Base class for all tree scoring methods.""" def get_score(self, tree, alignment): """Caller to get the score of a tree for the given alignment. This should be implemented in subclass. """ raise NotImplementedError("Method not implemented!") class TreeSearcher(object): """Base class for all tree searching methods.""" def search(self, starting_tree, alignment): """Caller to search the best tree with a starting tree. This should be implemented in subclass. """ raise NotImplementedError("Method not implemented!") class NNITreeSearcher(TreeSearcher): """Tree searching with Nearest Neighbor Interchanges (NNI) algorithm. :Parameters: scorer : ParsimonyScorer parsimony scorer to calculate the parsimony score of different trees during NNI algorithm. """ def __init__(self, scorer): """Initialize the class.""" if isinstance(scorer, Scorer): self.scorer = scorer else: raise TypeError("Must provide a Scorer object.") def search(self, starting_tree, alignment): """Implement the method. :Parameters: starting_tree : Tree starting tree of NNI method. alignment : MultipleSeqAlignment multiple sequence alignment used to calculate parsimony score of different NNI trees. """ return self._nni(starting_tree, alignment) def _nni(self, starting_tree, alignment): """Search for the best parsimony tree using the NNI algorithm (PRIVATE).""" best_tree = starting_tree while True: best_score = self.scorer.get_score(best_tree, alignment) temp = best_score for t in self._get_neighbors(best_tree): score = self.scorer.get_score(t, alignment) if score < best_score: best_score = score best_tree = t # stop if no smaller score exist if best_score >= temp: break return best_tree def _get_neighbors(self, tree): """Get all neighbor trees of the given tree (PRIVATE). Currently only for binary rooted trees. """ # make child to parent dict parents = {} for clade in tree.find_clades(): if clade != tree.root: node_path = tree.get_path(clade) # cannot get the parent if the parent is root. Bug? if len(node_path) == 1: parents[clade] = tree.root else: parents[clade] = node_path[-2] neighbors = [] root_childs = [] for clade in tree.get_nonterminals(order="level"): if clade == tree.root: left = clade.clades[0] right = clade.clades[1] root_childs.append(left) root_childs.append(right) if not left.is_terminal() and not right.is_terminal(): # make changes around the left_left clade # left_left = left.clades[0] left_right = left.clades[1] right_left = right.clades[0] right_right = right.clades[1] # neightbor 1 (left_left + right_right) del left.clades[1] del right.clades[1] left.clades.append(right_right) right.clades.append(left_right) temp_tree = copy.deepcopy(tree) neighbors.append(temp_tree) # neighbor 2 (left_left + right_left) del left.clades[1] del right.clades[0] left.clades.append(right_left) right.clades.append(right_right) temp_tree = copy.deepcopy(tree) neighbors.append(temp_tree) # change back (left_left + left_right) del left.clades[1] del right.clades[0] left.clades.append(left_right) right.clades.insert(0, right_left) elif clade in root_childs: # skip root child continue else: # method for other clades # make changes around the parent clade left = clade.clades[0] right = clade.clades[1] parent = parents[clade] if clade == parent.clades[0]: sister = parent.clades[1] # neighbor 1 (parent + right) del parent.clades[1] del clade.clades[1] parent.clades.append(right) clade.clades.append(sister) temp_tree = copy.deepcopy(tree) neighbors.append(temp_tree) # neighbor 2 (parent + left) del parent.clades[1] del clade.clades[0] parent.clades.append(left) clade.clades.append(right) temp_tree = copy.deepcopy(tree) neighbors.append(temp_tree) # change back (parent + sister) del parent.clades[1] del clade.clades[0] parent.clades.append(sister) clade.clades.insert(0, left) else: sister = parent.clades[0] # neighbor 1 (parent + right) del parent.clades[0] del clade.clades[1] parent.clades.insert(0, right) clade.clades.append(sister) temp_tree = copy.deepcopy(tree) neighbors.append(temp_tree) # neighbor 2 (parent + left) del parent.clades[0] del clade.clades[0] parent.clades.insert(0, left) clade.clades.append(right) temp_tree = copy.deepcopy(tree) neighbors.append(temp_tree) # change back (parent + sister) del parent.clades[0] del clade.clades[0] parent.clades.insert(0, sister) clade.clades.insert(0, left) return neighbors # ######################## Parsimony Classes ########################## class ParsimonyScorer(Scorer): """Parsimony scorer with a scoring matrix. This is a combination of Fitch algorithm and Sankoff algorithm. See ParsimonyTreeConstructor for usage. :Parameters: matrix : _Matrix scoring matrix used in parsimony score calculation. """ def __init__(self, matrix=None): """Initialize the class.""" if not matrix or isinstance(matrix, _Matrix): self.matrix = matrix else: raise TypeError("Must provide a _Matrix object.") def get_score(self, tree, alignment): """Calculate parsimony score using the Fitch algorithm. Calculate and return the parsimony score given a tree and the MSA using either the Fitch algorithm (without a penalty matrix) or the Sankoff algorithm (with a matrix). """ # make sure the tree is rooted and bifurcating if not tree.is_bifurcating(): raise ValueError("The tree provided should be bifurcating.") if not tree.rooted: tree.root_at_midpoint() # sort tree terminals and alignment terms = tree.get_terminals() terms.sort(key=lambda term: alignment.sort() if not all( == for t, a in zip(terms, alignment)): raise ValueError( "Taxon names of the input tree should be the same with the alignment." ) # term_align = dict(zip(terms, alignment)) score = 0 for i in range(len(alignment[0])): # parsimony score for column_i score_i = 0 # get column column_i = alignment[:, i] # skip non-informative column if column_i == len(column_i) * column_i[0]: continue # start calculating score_i using the tree and column_i # Fitch algorithm without the penalty matrix if not self.matrix: # init by mapping terminal clades and states in column_i clade_states = dict(zip(terms, [{c} for c in column_i])) for clade in tree.get_nonterminals(order="postorder"): clade_childs = clade.clades left_state = clade_states[clade_childs[0]] right_state = clade_states[clade_childs[1]] state = left_state & right_state if not state: state = left_state | right_state score_i = score_i + 1 clade_states[clade] = state # Sankoff algorithm with the penalty matrix else: inf = float("inf") # init score arrays for terminal clades alphabet = self.matrix.names length = len(alphabet) clade_scores = {} for j in range(len(column_i)): array = [inf] * length index = alphabet.index(column_i[j]) array[index] = 0 clade_scores[terms[j]] = array # bottom up calculation for clade in tree.get_nonterminals(order="postorder"): clade_childs = clade.clades left_score = clade_scores[clade_childs[0]] right_score = clade_scores[clade_childs[1]] array = [] for m in range(length): min_l = inf min_r = inf for n in range(length): sl = self.matrix[alphabet[m], alphabet[n]] + left_score[n] sr = self.matrix[alphabet[m], alphabet[n]] + right_score[n] if min_l > sl: min_l = sl if min_r > sr: min_r = sr array.append(min_l + min_r) clade_scores[clade] = array # minimum from root score score_i = min(array) # TODO: resolve internal states score = score + score_i return score class ParsimonyTreeConstructor(TreeConstructor): """Parsimony tree constructor. :Parameters: searcher : TreeSearcher tree searcher to search the best parsimony tree. starting_tree : Tree starting tree provided to the searcher. Examples -------- We will load an alignment, and then load various trees which have already been computed from it:: from Bio import AlignIO, Phylo aln ='TreeConstruction/msa.phy'), 'phylip') print(aln) Output:: SingleLetterAlphabet() alignment with 5 rows and 13 columns AACGTGGCCACAT Alpha AAGGTCGCCACAC Beta CAGTTCGCCACAA Gamma GAGATTTCCGCCT Delta GAGATCTCCGCCC Epsilon Load a starting tree:: starting_tree ='TreeConstruction/nj.tre', 'newick') print(starting_tree) Output:: Tree(rooted=False, weight=1.0) Clade(branch_length=0.0, name='Inner3') Clade(branch_length=0.01421, name='Inner2') Clade(branch_length=0.23927, name='Inner1') Clade(branch_length=0.08531, name='Epsilon') Clade(branch_length=0.13691, name='Delta') Clade(branch_length=0.2923, name='Alpha') Clade(branch_length=0.07477, name='Beta') Clade(branch_length=0.17523, name='Gamma') Build the Parsimony tree from the starting tree:: scorer = Phylo.TreeConstruction.ParsimonyScorer() searcher = Phylo.TreeConstruction.NNITreeSearcher(scorer) constructor = Phylo.TreeConstruction.ParsimonyTreeConstructor(searcher, starting_tree) pars_tree = constructor.build_tree(aln) print(pars_tree) Output:: Tree(rooted=True, weight=1.0) Clade(branch_length=0.0) Clade(branch_length=0.19732999999999998, name='Inner1') Clade(branch_length=0.13691, name='Delta') Clade(branch_length=0.08531, name='Epsilon') Clade(branch_length=0.04194000000000003, name='Inner2') Clade(branch_length=0.01421, name='Inner3') Clade(branch_length=0.17523, name='Gamma') Clade(branch_length=0.07477, name='Beta') Clade(branch_length=0.2923, name='Alpha') """ def __init__(self, searcher, starting_tree=None): """Initialize the class.""" self.searcher = searcher self.starting_tree = starting_tree def build_tree(self, alignment): """Build the tree. :Parameters: alignment : MultipleSeqAlignment multiple sequence alignment to calculate parsimony tree. """ # if starting_tree is none, # create a upgma tree with 'identity' scoring matrix if self.starting_tree is None: dtc = DistanceTreeConstructor(DistanceCalculator("identity"), "upgma") self.starting_tree = dtc.build_tree(alignment) return, alignment)